Monday, November 12, 2012

How to Make Money Blogging with Free eBooks

Offering a free eBook provides new and different marketing opportunities from straight forward blogging. For example, there are plenty of websites that review free eBooks, and it is likely that you will be able to get additional exposure from sites that wouldn't otherwise choose to link to your blog content.

Naturally, an eBook should link back to your own relevant blog posts and resources to drive traffic. The more an eBook is marketed; the more blog traffic is generated.

At the same time, your website or blog should prominently "show off" the free eBook and encourage readers to download a copy. The more blog traffic; the more the eBook is promoted.

Make money blogging with free eBooks

In the same way that blog content can be used to generate revenue from advertising or affiliate links, so eBook content (which is actually blog content) can do the same thing.

The difference is that while it can take months or years for a blog to become popular, an eBook that becomes popular because it is very useful, can take on a life of its own and drive plenty of traffic and affiliate revenue for the parent blog much faster.

An eBook that becomes famous within its particular niche can help make far more money than the exact same content in blog format alone.

This is why an eBook is a great idea for anyone blogger, marketer or business looking to make money blogging.

Have you written and promoted a free eBook? Did it help to drive traffic and build trust and authority? Did you make extra money from the eBook? Was it worth the extra effort it took to write the eBook in the first place? Share your blogging and eBook experiences in the comments, or join me on Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+ to continue the conversation.

About the Author

I am one of the owners at CettaTech - Online Advertising. We provide Online Advertising to small businesses. Come and learn more SEO/internet marketing tips and best practices to implement into your website each day. Visit to read more helpful articles.

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